
Maritime injury attorney in Corpus, Texas 


The maritime industry is one of the most important sectors of the economy as it contributes significantly to the growth and development of business around the world. However, with the high-risk nature of maritime jobs, accidents resulting in injury or death are common. When such incidents happen, victims need an experienced and professional maritime injury attorney to help them seek compensation for their injuries and losses. If you work in the maritime industry in Corpus, Texas, and find yourself in a similar situation, this article will provide essential information about what you need to know about maritime injury attorneys in Corpus, Texas.

Who is a Maritime Injury Attorney?

A maritime injury attorney is an experienced legal professional who specializes in representing seafarers, longshoremen, and other maritime workers who have been involved in an accident while working at sea or on land. The attorney provides a range of legal services, including representation before the court, legal guidance, and advice on the legal options available to their clients.

Why Do You Need a Maritime Injury Attorney in Corpus, Texas?

Working in the maritime industry is a dangerous occupation. With large vessels, heavy equipment, and harsh weather conditions, accidents can occur at any time. When such accidents occur, a maritime injury attorney can help protect the rights of the victim and ensure that they get the compensation they deserve. Maritime laws in Texas are unique, and as such, require an attorney with specific expertise in this area of law.

At the outset, a maritime injury attorney can provide essential guidance to a client on their legal options and provide an idea of the possible outcomes. They can also help a client negotiate with their employer or insurance company to settle a claim out of court. In more complex cases, a maritime injury attorney represents their clients in court, ensuring their clients receive the compensation they rightfully deserve.

What Are the Common Causes of Maritime Injuries?

Maritime injuries can happen for a variety of reasons. Some of the most common causes of maritime injuries include:

  • Slip and fall accidents due to slippery decks or stairs.
  • Accidents caused by faulty or damaged equipment.
  • Failure to provide adequate training for employees.
  • Accidents caused by poor weather conditions.
  • Collision accidents.

What Should You Do If You are Injured on the Job?

If you have been injured on the job, the first thing you should do is seek medical attention. Your health should always be your top priority. Once your injuries have been treated, you should report your injury to your employer.

It is essential to report your injury as soon as possible as this will ensure that you receive the necessary medical care and begin the process of seeking compensation. You should also keep a record of any medical treatment you receive as well as any financial losses you incur due to your injury.

What Compensation Can You Receive for Maritime Injuries?

Compensation for maritime injuries vary depending on the severity of the injury and the extent of the damages suffered by the victim. Some of the compensation you can receive may include:

  • Medical expenses, including treatment, hospitalization, and medication.
  • Lost wages and benefits due to the injury.
  • Compensation for pain and suffering.
  • Disability benefits for permanent injuries.
  • Death benefits for the family of victims who lose their lives in the accident.

How Can a Maritime Injury Attorney Help You Get the Compensation You Deserve?

If you have been injured while working in the maritime industry, a maritime injury attorney can help you receive the compensation you rightfully deserve. A maritime injury attorney will investigate the circumstances surrounding your injury and determine the liability of your employer or other parties involved.

They will also gather evidence, interview witnesses, and consult with medical experts to build a strong case on your behalf. In the event that your employer or insurance company refuses to pay compensation or offers a substandard settlement, they will represent you in court and ensure that you receive fair compensation.


Working in the maritime industry can be a hazardous occupation, and maritime injuries can happen at any time. When such accidents occur, it is essential to seek the legal support of an experienced and professional maritime injury attorney in Corpus, Texas. A qualified attorney can provide guidance on your rights and legal options and help you receive the compensation you deserve for your injuries. Don’t hesitate to contact a maritime injury attorney if you have been injured while working in the maritime industry.