
Maritime injury attorney in Hobbs 


When people think of jobs that require a maritime injury attorney, they usually think of commercial fishing or cargo operations. But there are plenty of other jobs that require crewmembers to work on or around the water, and injuries can happen in any of them. One such place is Hobbs, New Mexico, a small city in the southeastern part of the state. Although it’s landlocked, the oil and gas industry is a major employer in the area, with workers often traveling to offshore platforms and drilling rigs in the Gulf of Mexico. When injuries happen on these vessels, workers need an experienced attorney who specializes in maritime law to help them navigate the complexities of their case.

What is Maritime Law?

Maritime law, also known as admiralty law, is a body of federal law that governs shipping and transportation on navigable waters. This includes not only ocean-going vessels but also inland waterways like lakes and rivers. The law covers a wide range of issues, including the rights and duties of shipowners and crews, liability for accidents and injuries, and the handling of cargo.

Maritime law is also unique in that it has its own court system, with specialized judges and procedures. This is because many maritime disputes involve international trade and transport, which can be subject to conflicting laws and regulations from different countries. Having a separate court system helps ensure consistent and fair application of the law.

What Does a Maritime Injury Attorney Do?

A maritime injury attorney specializes in representing workers who have been injured or become ill while working on or around navigable waters. This can include crewmembers on commercial fishing boats, cargo ships, oil platforms, and drilling rigs, as well as workers in other jobs like harbor workers, longshoremen, and marine construction workers.

A maritime attorney can help injured workers in a number of ways, including:

  • Investigating the accident or injury to determine its cause and who may be liable
  • Calculating the full extent of the damages, including medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering
  • Negotiating with insurance companies and other parties to ensure the injured worker receives fair compensation
  • Filing legal claims or lawsuits on behalf of the injured worker, if necessary, to protect their rights and interests

Why Hire a Maritime Injury Attorney in Hobbs?

There are several reasons to hire a maritime injury attorney in Hobbs, even though the city is located hundreds of miles from the nearest ocean.

First, many oil and gas workers in Hobbs travel to offshore platforms and drilling rigs in the Gulf of Mexico. These vessels are subject to maritime law, and injuries that occur on them fall under the jurisdiction of federal courts. Workers who are injured on these vessels need an attorney who is familiar with maritime law and the unique challenges of offshore work.

Second, even workers who are based on shore can face maritime-related injuries. For example, workers in the oil and gas industry may be injured while loading or unloading boats, or while working on pipelines or other marine infrastructure. In these cases, the injuries may be covered by maritime law, and workers need an attorney with expertise in this area.

Finally, even if an injury doesn’t fall under the jurisdiction of maritime law, it’s still important to have an attorney who understands the complexities of workers’ compensation and personal injury law. Injured workers often face significant medical expenses and lost wages, and they need an advocate who can help them navigate the legal system and ensure they receive fair compensation.


Working on or around navigable waters can be dangerous, and injuries can happen in any job that involves this type of work. When workers are injured, they need an attorney who specializes in maritime law to help them navigate the complexities of their case and ensure they receive fair compensation. If you are a worker in Hobbs, New Mexico, who has been injured while working on or around the water, it’s important to contact a maritime injury attorney who can help you protect your rights and interests.